Jobs in Media Psychology  [28.03.23]

Newly published: Whitepaper on the professional fields of media psychology by Sabine Trepte and leading media psychologists.


The variety of professions that deal with the topic of media psychology is wide. The whitepaper offers an overview of these professions, which are in high demand in many industries and and business sectors. The whitepaper provides information about career opportunities in the field of media psychology and is directed towards students with interest in communication and media psychology. The whitepaper features a variety of fields and jobs, for example marketing, market research, communications management, consulting, user experience and content management, media education, and science. It is described which typical tasks and assignments these fields offer and where the respective companies can be found. For all those who can imagine a professional future in media psychology, the whitepaper offers a comprehensive summary of the most important professional fields and jobs.


Trepte, S., Reinecke, L., Gimmler, R., Gleich, U., Winter, S., Frischlich, L., Krämer, N., Appel, N., Hutmacher, F., Mengelkamp, C., Stein J., Weber, S. (2023). Berufsfelder der Medienpsychologie.



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