Jana Dombrowski, M.A.

Research Associate


Jana Dombrowski has been a research assistant at the department since December 2021. As part of her doctoral studies, she focuses on the theoretical and methodological challenges associated with screen time. The focus here is on the subjective perception of time. Additionally, she conducts research on the topic of privacy on social media.

Prior to this role, she worked as a student assistant at the Department of Media Psychology. She earned her Master's degree in "Communication Management and Analysis" (M.A.) at the University of Hohenheim, where her thesis explored strategies for regulating privacy on social media. Earlier, she completed a double bachelor's degree in "Media and Communication" (B.A.) and "Business Administration and Economics" (B.Sc.) at the University of Passau. During her time in Passau, she served as a student assistant in teaching, covering topics such as Propaedeutics in Communication Science, Macroeconomics, and Institutional Economics. In the summer semester of 2021, she also taught a course on Media Research at WHS Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen as a visiting lecturer.

She teaches the master's courses "Advanced Statistics" and "Social Media Communication." Additionally, she leads the master's project seminar "Wissenskommunikation".





Dombrowski, J., & Lux, A. (in press). Pushing towards privacy. Comparing the effectiveness of nudges and boosts for encouraging anonymous browsing. Journal of Media Psychology. https://osf.io/8qrwb/

Deiß, D. & Dombrowski, J. (2024, January 24-26). Tragische Einzelfälle oder strukturelles Problem? Wahrnehmung medialer Darstellungen von Partnerschaftsgewalt [Research Talk, Student Best Paper]. Annual Conference of the Division Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung (DGPuK), Fribourg, Switzerland.

Frener, R., Dombrowski, J., & Trepte, S. (2023). Development and validation of the Need for Privacy Scale (NFP-S). Communication Methods and Measures, 18(1), 48-71. https://doi.org/10.1080/19312458.2023.2246014